Digital Inclusion Group
The group operates weekly at Morningside Care Home in partnership with Chris Ridley and his team from Getting Better Together Ltd Voluntary Organisation who have brought their specialist skills and knowledge to support our Silver Surfers group.
The program he provides supports and provides Digital Intelligence ( both hardware and 1:1 and group tuition) to residents, relatives and friends of Morningside, to enable them to
- Continue their connections with their families and community ties and interests which existed prior to coming to live in Morningside Care Home.
- Create more community connections and interests.
- Enable more independence and choice through enabling and facilitating internet shopping.
- Provide greater choice in activities within the care home.
As a result of the partnership residents now have a choice of accessing Digital services either as a private activity eg. Skype family, Internet shopping, digital gaming, genealogy, private reading or in an organised group activity for example on line quizzes, jigsaws, book clubs or researching genealogy etc.