At Morningside Care Home, we recognise that the involvement of residents, their families, visitors and staff are an essential part of the continuous improvement to the quality of the service and care delivered.

The staff are committed to making sure that there are ongoing opportunities for all the residents to participate in the design and delivery of their care and care service.

We positively welcome our residents and their families to become involved in the overall running and functioning of their home.

The participation strategy can be found inside each residents welcome folder, a copy can also be found in the main reception.

The principals set out in the participation strategy are:

  • Inform – Residents, Staff, Relatives and Visitors
  • Consult – with all parties, ensure everyone has the opportunity to be involved
  • Involve – anyone who wishes to be involved has the chance to do so
  • Devolve – review and update participation strategy as situations change
  • Aims And Objectives

    To enable the residents, relatives and representatives to work alongside us to shape the service provision.


    • To ensure all residents have an opportunity to be involved 
    • The strategy recognises that people have the choice to be involved or not
    • To identify tangible areas where participation makes a difference
    • The strategy will evolve and is responsive to changing needs and issues


    At Morningside Care Home, we recognise that in order to meet our aims it is essential that we meet the following objectives:

    • Identify and create opportunities to ensure our residents are able to participate at a level of their choice, at meetings, reviews or suggestion boxes.
    • Raise awareness of the benefits of residents participation amongst our staff and relatives, this allows residents and relatives to have a say in what goes on at Morningside Care Home and what they would like to see.
    • Improve the quality of communication with all parties. Good communication allows information to flow freely and builds up relationships between staff, residents and relatives
    • Consult effectively with our resident’s and their families, residents want to feel involved and have an input into their living environment.
    • Review our participation strategy every six months
  • Keeping Residents Informed

    At Morningside Care Home, we recognise that some of our residents are more interested in participating than others, and that a range of methods are necessary to keep residents and potential residents informed and involved.

    Before residents can decide whether or not they want to get involved they need information.

    At Morningside Care Home we are aware that we have a diverse group of residents, each with different communication barriers. We hope to overcome these barriers and allow our residents to participate in the running of the home. To do this the staff will discuss information with the residents, observe behaviours through changes and have an awareness of what our residents like and dislike.

    We aim to provide our residents with good quality, accurate, up to date and easy to understand information.

    Methods of information:

    • Resident’s newsletter will be issued to our residents four times a year, which they can assist in compiling.
    • Customer reviews and feedback are utilised to measure levels of customer satisfaction and to demonstrate improvements.
    • Group meetings, currently within Morningside Care Home which enable residents to participate in various areas, such as Activities, Nutrition, Quality Assurance, Recruitment and Gardening.
    • We have post boxes located at the main entrance this allows residents, relatives, visitors and staff to post suggestions, compliments. These forms will be used to enhance the care provision at Morningside Care Home.
    • Residents terms and conditions will be issued on admission
    • Policies and Procedures – any resident can request our policies and procedures which are clear and concise. These documents include the Complaints Procedure, Care Inspectorate Complaints Procedure and Whistleblowing Policy.
    • Information leaflets on various topics including independent advocacy are available to everyone, and can be found in the resource area in the ground floor sitting room.
  • Participation

    At Morningside Care Home we believe that our resident’s participation can benefit the service they receive. Therefore, we would like to encourage our residents and relatives participation in the following ways:

    • Pre-admission assessments for potential customers and encouragement to become involved in the development of their own person centred care file.
    • Introduction to new admissions from support departments.
    • Resident and relatives participation in recruitment of new staff and the staff appraisal process.
    • Resident and relatives satisfaction questionnaires with any follow up action plan. The questionnaires are used in conjunction with reviews and allow residents and relatives to comment on all areas of the home.
    • Encourage community links with schools, churches, community centres, local club etc.
    • Ongoing life story work
    • Open communication through the home’s Newsletter
    • Encouraging staff to empower residents in every aspect of their lives.
    • Development of a person centred plan of care.
    • Safer recruitment, supervision and appraisal
    • Digital Inclusion
  • Caring Together


    We will ask you, our residents what you think about various aspects of the service, and seek advice on how to improve:

    • Current care and service (catering, activities etc)
    • Your life (choices, preferences)
    • Your environment 
    • How we do things (management, recruitment, menus)


    We will ask you what you think about various aspects of the service, and seek advice on how to improve:

    • Current care for your relative/friend
    • The environment 
    • Your opinion on the service (surveys and questionnaires)


    We will ask you what you think about various aspects of the service, and seek advice on how to improve:

    • How we care for our residents and their families
    • What do we do well
    • How can we do things better
  • Reviewing Our Participation Strategy

    The Participation Strategy will be reviewed annually; this will ensure it is achieving its intended purpose.

    The review process will be a meeting which will involve our staff, our residents and their families.

    The group will review the participation strategy, and make any adjustments which will ensure all parties have plenty opportunities to participate.

  • Our Future

    We will continually strive through participation to improve the care we offer to our residents, we will consult with external professionals in our pursuit of the inclusion of all people who have access with our home.

    We will endeavour to foresee, recognise, challenge and overcome barriers and constraints to our residents and their families involvement. We will use what we have learnt from working with our residents, relatives and staff to ensure continuous improvement in the service Morningside Care Home provides.